Difference Between Meet And Met

Understanding the difference between “meet” and “met” can enhance your communication skills, helping you use these terms accurately in both spoken and written English. Let’s dive into the details of these words, exploring their meanings, uses, and how they differ.

Definitions and Usage of Meet And Met


  • Verb (Present/Future Tense): The base form of the verb “to meet” is used in the present and future tenses.
    • Examples:
      • I meet my friends for coffee every Saturday.
      • She meets her colleagues at 10 AM.
      • I will meet the principal in the afternoon.
      • The supplies are just enough to meet the family’s needs for the week.
  • Noun: “Meet” can also function as a noun, referring to an organized event where people come together, often for sports or business.
    • Examples:
      • David is participating in the swim meet this year.
      • We had a business meet to discuss the project.


  • Verb (Past Tense/Past Participle): “Met” is the past tense and past participle form of “meet,” used to describe actions that have already happened.
    • Examples:
      • I met my friend for lunch yesterday.
      • Have you met my partner?
      • The police met with success through sheer luck.
      • We met at the railway station.

Differences Between “Meet” and “Met”

  1. Tense:
    • Meet: Used in present or future contexts.
      • Example: I will meet him tomorrow.
    • Met: Used in past contexts.
      • Example: I met him yesterday.
  2. Function as a Noun:
    • Meet: Can be a noun referring to an event.
      • Example: The annual meet is scheduled for next month.
    • Met: Functions only as a verb.
  3. Context and Meaning:
    • Meet: Describes an action of encountering someone or something.
      • Example: They plan to meet at the café.
    • Met: Describes a completed action of encountering.
      • Example: They met at the café last week.

Examples of Usage of “Meet” and “Met”


  • We have to meet the Principal this afternoon.
  • This novel technology can meet future challenges.
  • James will meet with his boss to discuss the project.


  • We met our new neighbors at the community event.
  • Brandy and Ivy met with an accident on their way home.
  • Have you met the requirements for the job?

Common Phrases

  • “Meet with” vs. “Meet”:
    • “Meet with” is often used to imply a formal or scheduled encounter.
      • Example: He is coming to meet with the investors.
    • “Meet” can be used alone, especially in informal contexts.
      • Example: Let’s meet at the park.

Final Verdict

Although “meet” and “met” share the same root and general meaning of encountering or coming together, their usage depends heavily on the tense and context of the sentence. Understanding these differences ensures clear and accurate communication. By mastering the use of “meet” and “met,” you can effectively convey the timing and nature of interactions, whether they are ongoing, planned, or have already occurred.